Tuesday, February 26, 2013

No debate practice Wednesday, February 27th.  It is a half day for you, so go home and research.  See you the following Wednesdays, March 6th and 13th.  Our debate is Saturday, March 16th.  Be sure it is on your calendar.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Some places to use to start your research...These are not exactly what you need, but there are many good points for each topic.
The video game link is only about violent games, but maybe you can use some of the information.
Sorry, you are on your own with the NJ drivers pumping their own gas.

College education

Olympic Games
Video games

Monday, February 11, 2013

Debate practice-Wednesday February 13th
Topics for the March 16th debate:

NJ drivers should be able to pump their own gas.
Video games cause more harm than good.
Students should not have to pay to participate in extra-curricular activities.
The US should guarantee a free college education to all citizens.
The Olympic Games do more good than harm.