Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Bored?  Looking for something to watch?  Trying to get better at debate? 
Look no further.  Watch the weekly broadcast of Prime Minister David Cameron as he holds his weekly Question Time with members of the House of Commons. Topics discussed focused mainly on domestic issues and the state of the British economy.

Prime Minister's Questions @ C-SPAN

In case you want to know more.....

What is the Prime Minister's Questions?

Who sits where in the Commons?

There was no television back when Lincoln was alive, but you can read all about them. Lincoln and Douglas agreed to debate in seven of the nine Illinois Congressional Districts; the seven where Douglas had not already spoken. In each debate either Douglas or Lincoln would open with an hour address. The other would then speak for an hour and a half. The first then had 30 minutes of rebuttal. In the seven debates, Douglas, as the incumbent, was allowed to go first four times.  And you thought our debates were long!
The Lincoln-Douglas Debate of 1858

Every year, the Middle School Public Debate Program hosts the National Tournament in California.  Read all about it here.
National Tournament Winners From NYC

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